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“God is light; In him there is no darkness...
[1 John 1:5]
As believers in Christ and through the Holy Spirit, we are committed to joyfully share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all people through evangelism, outreach, and missions; to equip believers for ministries in our church, our community, and throughout the world; and to provide opportunities for worship, Bible study, discipleship, stewardship, service, and fellowship.

Joyfully Sharing Christ

Meet Pastor Rick Shaw
and his wife Martha Shaw

Richard W. “Rick” Shaw, a native New Mexican, graduate of Baylor University (BS & BA), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MM), Wayland Baptist University (MBA), and Asbury Theological Seminary (PhD), accepted the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of seven, and surren-dered to the Gospel ministry at nine.
Rick met his wonderful wife, Martha, a native of New Jersey, while at Baylor, and they married in 1983. Rick and Martha were both or-dained at Gloucester Point—Rick to the pastoral ministry and Martha to the diaconate. Rick and Martha surrendered to global mission ser-vice in 1995, and became some of the early missionary appointees of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, serving in Albania, Macedonia, and Kosovo as church-planters, strategists, and evangelists among Muslim peoples.
Rick and Martha are both avid readers, cooks and bakers and they have four adult children. Martha loves video games, Rick is a triathlete, and thrives on camping, hunting, sewing, and travel.
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